Why we crave for specific food ???

We’ve all experienced food cravings. In general they tend to be for things like potato chips, ice cream, and other high-calorie foods that doctors say will murder us.This means that our body makes us crave not only certain food, but suggests certain food combinations that give us complete nutrition. Our cooking isn’t as inventive as we think.

When you crave rice and beans you need protein

When you crave spice you need to cool down

When you crave milk in your tea you need protection with your morning beverage

When you crave ice you need iron

When you crave fish cooked in greens you need calcium

When you crave ginger you need to heal your heart (literally)

When you crave caffeine you need a painkiller

When you crave chocolate you need to get high

so listen to body and craving. eat a bit to satisfy. so what you feeling like eating today???



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